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9 Benefits of Sweet Potatoes
Not only are sweet potatoes readily available, inexpensive, and delicious, there are many other reasons to love these yummy vegetables. Here are 9:
1. They are high in vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 helps reduce the chemical homocysteine in our bodies. Homocysteine has been linked with degenerative diseases, including theprevention of heart attacks.
2. They are a good source of vitamin C. While most people know that vitamin C is important to help ward off cold and flu viruses, few people are aware that this crucial vitamin plays an important role in bone and tooth formation, digestion, and blood cell formation. It helps accelerate wound healing, produces collagen which helps maintain skin’s youthful elasticity, and is essential to helping us cope with stress. It even appears to help protect our body against toxins that may be linked to cancer.
3. They contain Vitamin D which is critical for immune system and overall health at this time of year. Both a vitamin and a hormone, vitamin D is primarily made in our bodies as a result of getting adequate sunlight. You may have heard about seasonal affective disorder (or SAD, as it is also called), which is linked to inadequate sunlight and therefore a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D plays an important role in our energy levels, moods, and helps to build healthy bones, heart, nerves, skin, and teeth, and it supports the thyroid gland.
4. Sweet potatoes contain iron. Most people are aware that we need the mineral iron to have adequate energy, but iron plays other important roles in our body,including red and white blood cell production, resistance to stress, proper immune functioning, and the metabolizing of protein, among other things.
5. Sweet potatoes are a good source of magnesium, which is the relaxation and anti-stress mineral. Magnesium is necessary for healthy artery, blood, bone, heart, muscle, and nerve function, yet experts estimate that approximately 80 percent of the population in North America may be deficient in this important mineral.
6. They are a source of potassium, one of the important electrolytes that helpregulate heartbeat and nerve signals. Like the other electrolytes, potassium performs many essential functions, some of which include relaxing muscle contractions, reducing swelling, and protecting and controlling the activity of the kidneys.
7. Sweet potatoes are naturally sweet-tasting but their natural sugars are slowly released into the bloodstream, helping to ensure a balanced and regular source of energy, without the blood sugar spikes linked to fatigue and weight gain.
8. Their rich orange color indicates that they are high in carotenoids like beta carotene and other carotenoids, which is the precursor to vitamin A in your body. Carotenoids help strengthen our eyesight and boost our immunity to disease, they are powerful antioxidants that help ward off cancer and protect against the effects of aging. Studies at Harvard University of more than 124,000 people showed a 32 percent reduction in risk of lung cancer in people who consumed a variety of carotenoid-rich foods as part of their regular diet. Another study of women who had completed treatment for early stage breast cancer conducted by researchers at Women’s Healthy Eating and Living (WHEL) found that women with the highest blood concentrations of carotenoids had the least likelihood of cancer recurrence.
9. They are versatile. Try them roasted, puréed, steamed, baked, or grilled. You can add them to soups and stews, or grill and place on top of leafy greens for a delicious salad. I enjoy grilling them with onions and red peppers for amazing sandwich or wrap ingredients. Puree them and add to smoothies and baked goods.
Adapted with permission from The Life Force Diet by Michelle Schoffro Cook, PhD.
Fonte do artigo orixinal: http://pakagri.blogspot.com.es/2011/12/9-benefits-of-sweet-potatoes.html?goback=.gde_68088_member_126801128
Consideraciones sobre el cultivo de la patata:
Learning the ‘how’ part of growing potatoes could be one thing but that is not enough.
There are other considerations that cannot be neglected since they will still arise and it would be too late if you are to solve them on-the-dot. Although this article would not tell about the one-by-one steps of growing potatoes, you are going to absorb other important matters which affect their growth and development.
Growing Potatoes – Which Type Do I Plant?

growing potatoes in straw
With different types of potatoes available around the world, you may find it a bit difficult what to plant at your backyard especially if you have limited space. One way to solve that is to know what potatoes are best for specific cooking approach you preferred.
- Yellow potatoes
- Best examples are Yukon Gold and Yellow Finn
- Good for stews and soups
- Great when baked or mashed
- Have low starch
- Red potatoes
- Best varieties are Klondike Rose and Red Pontiac
- Excellent for broths
- Popular choice for potato salad
- Contains less starch
- Brown potatoes
how to grow potatoes- Also known as russet or Idaho potatoes
- Cheapest among other types of spuds
- Contains high amount of starch
- Work well if boiled or baked
- White potatoes
- Best known varieties are Cal White and Rose White
- Perfect for potato salad and noodle soup
- Low in starch
Growing potatoes would be easier once you’ve got your choice based on your favourite cooking styles!
Growing Potatoes – Pest-ive Invasion!
If you think that you’re going to survive potato planting without meeting some annoying pests, then you must think again. They are so small and before you know it, they might be building a colony in your garden. Take note of the following list of pests, how they destroy your plants and how you can eliminate them from your precious crops.
- Cutworm
- Eats up plant and cuts off plants close to soil.
- Can be prevented by placing a collar made of paper around the plant’s stem.
- Potato Beetle
- Stripsoff and breaks off leaves.
- You may simply handpick the beetles off the plants.
- To prevent future incidents, free your garden from any kind of rubbish.
- Potato aphid
- Lives underneath the plant leaves.
- Excretes sticky substance that eventually turns into mould.
- Transmits mosaic virus.
- Eliminate them by spraying insecticidal soap with a high pressure water hose.
- Flea beetle
growing sweet potatoes- Feeds on tubers and leaves of seedlings.
- You may remove the beetles by picking them off the plants. After that, maintain cleanliness in your garden.
- Blister beetle
- Chews plant leaves.
- These beetles release out oil that once human skin gets in touch with it may acquire blisters.
- Wear gloves when picking them off the plants.
- Leafhopper
- Sucks out plant saps.
- Transmits a viral disease known as witches bloom and also potato yellow dwarf virus.
- Make use of floating covers so that these bugs will not be able to hop on top of the plants. Also, apply an insecticidal soap and destroy the damaged plants.
- Spider mite
- Sucks out chlorophyll from leaves leaving behind a colorless spot.
- Aside from the damaging the plants, it creates silver webs at the backsides of the leaves.
- Potato tuberworm
- Also known as tobacco splitworms because they also cause damage to tobaccos.
- Eats and dwells in between leaves creating blotches which harm the plants.
- Wireworm
- Causes uneven leaves coloring.
- Affected plants appear to be underdeveloped.
- Make sure your soil is free from wireworm or else you’ll be disturbed later on.
how to grow sweet potatoes
- Grub
- Eats up potato tubers which creates large and not-so deep hole.
- Simply cut off the infected areas but you may still use the undamaged part of the tuber.
- Get rid of the grubs by using traps and spraying chemical insecticide.
With an observant eye, these vigilant pests could not make it to your plants and your task of growing potatoes would be lighter and stress-free.
Growing Potatoes – Take Note of Their Growth Stages
The development of potatoes is divided into 5 levels or stages. Each stage corresponds for a particular change which is visible.
I. Development of Sprout
- Stems of potato begin to grow out of the potato eyes – little black spots that can be seen on the skin of spud.
- Sprout comes out of the soil.
II. Growth of Leaves, Branches, Stolons and Roots
- May lasts up to 70 days.
- Aboveground nodes – leaves and branch start to grow.
- Belowground nodes – roots and stolons develop.
- Photosynthesis begins to occur.
III. Formation of Tubers
- Tubers start to appear at the tips of stolon although they don’t grow much yet.
- Usually, this stage of potato growth overlaps with flowering stage.
- Formation of tubers may last about 14 days.
IV. Expansion of Tuber Cells

how do potatoes grow
- This occurs since tubers absorb water, carbohydrates and other nutrients.
- This stage lasts up to two months, the lengthiest of the five growth stages of potatoes.
V. Maturation
- Vines start to turn yellow and some leaves get lose.
- As occurrence of photosynthesis reduces, vines ultimately die.
- Some potato varieties leave almost nothing but decomposed stems and leaves which tell that it is time to reap the crops.
Understanding what happens to your crops on growth stages would give you better ideas how to take care of your growing potatoes.
Growing Potatoes – Is There a Need for Fertilizers?
Absolutely, Yes. Fertilizers provide the necessary nutrients for tuber growths. But they must not be applied carefully because any excess or shortage may create imbalances which can affect their development.
- N-P-K Levels
These are Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium respectively. Since potatoes are root veggies, they would be on their advantage if the fertilizer you’re going to use has higher Potassium and Phosphorus contents. So if the fertilizer you buy has 10-30-30 number code it means it has 10% Nitrogen, 30% Phosphorus and 30% Potassium.
- Soil Test
grow sweet potatoes
Although we know that potatoes would need more phosphates and potassium to promote root development, you may pause and have your soil be checked first before applying additional nutrients, like Zinc. In soil test, you’ll be aware if it has rich or poor mineral or nutrient contents before you overload it with fertilizers.
- Fertilize
When your soil is tested and you’ve got the fertilizer you need, it’s time to fertilize. The ideal time of fertilizing is 14 days after planting your potatoes. After that, reapply after every 28 days. Stop doing so when it is 14 days before the harvest period.
Fertilizers are the ‘good guys’ when it comes to growing potatoes, which is why we must apply to appropriate amount to encourage the best results we are expecting.
Fonte: http://growingpotatoes.net/the-truth-about-growing-potatoes/?goback=%2Egde_90010_member_121048268
Traducción automática al castellano:
Aprender el "cómo" parte del cultivo de papas podría ser una cosa, pero eso no es suficiente.
Hay otras consideraciones que no pueden ser olvidadas, ya que todavía se levantarán, y sería demasiado tarde si son para resolverlos en el punto-. Aunque este artículo no le diría acerca de los pasos uno por uno de cultivo de patatas, que se va a absorber otras cuestiones importantes que afectan a su crecimiento y desarrollo.
El cultivo de patatas - ¿Qué tipo ¿Debo plantar?
el cultivo de patatas en paja
Con diferentes tipos de papas disponibles en todo el mundo, puede que le resulte un poco difícil lo de plantar en su patio trasero, especialmente si usted tiene un espacio limitado. Una manera de resolver esto es saber lo que las papas son los mejores para cocinar enfoque específico que usted prefiere.
Papas amarillas
Los mejores ejemplos son Yukon Gold y Finn Amarillo
Bueno para guisos y sopas
Gran cuando se hornea o en puré
Tener bajo de almidón
Papas rojas
Las mejores variedades son Klondike Rose y Red Pontiac
Excelente para los caldos
Elección popular para ensalada de papa
Contiene menos de almidón
Patatas Brown
cómo cultivar patatas
También conocido como papas blancas o Idaho
Mejor entre otros tipos de papas
Contiene gran cantidad de almidón
Funcionar bien si hervida o al horno
Las papas blancas
Variedades más conocidas son Cal Blanca y Rosa Blanca
Perfecto para ensalada de papa y sopa de fideos
Bajo contenido de almidón
El cultivo de patatas sería más fácil una vez que tienes tu elección en función de sus estilos de cocina favoritos!
El cultivo de patatas - Pest-ive Invasion!
Si usted piensa que usted va a sobrevivir siembra de papa sin cumplir con algunas plagas molestas, entonces usted debe pensar de nuevo. Son tan pequeños y antes de que usted lo sepa, que podría ser la construcción de una colonia en su jardín. Tomar nota de la siguiente lista de plagas, cómo se destruyen las plantas y cómo se pueden eliminar de sus cultivos preciosos.
Gusano cortador
Se come la planta y corta las plantas cercanas al suelo.
Se puede prevenirse mediante la colocación de un collar de papel alrededor del tallo de la planta.
Escarabajo de la papa
Stripsoff y rompe las hojas.
Usted puede simplemente elegir a dedo a los escarabajos fuera de las plantas.
Para evitar incidentes futuros, sin su jardín de cualquier tipo de basura.
Pulgón de la papa
Vive debajo de las hojas de plantas.
Excreta sustancia pegajosa que se convierte finalmente en el molde.
Transmite el virus del mosaico.
Eliminarlos mediante pulverización jabón insecticida con una manguera de agua a alta presión.
crecimiento batatas
Se alimenta de tubérculos y las hojas de las plántulas.
Usted puede retirar los escarabajos por recogerlos fuera de las plantas. Después de eso, mantener la limpieza en su jardín.
Mastica hojas de la planta.
Estos escarabajos liberar el aceite que una vez que la piel humana se pone en contacto con ella pueden adquirir las ampollas.
Use guantes cuando las desgranado las plantas.
Chupa los jugos de plantas.
Transmite una enfermedad viral conocida como brujas flor y también el virus del enanismo amarillo de la papa.
Hacer uso de cubiertas flotantes para que estos errores no será capaz de saltar en la parte superior de las plantas. Además, aplicar un jabón insecticida y destruir las plantas dañadas.
Araña roja
Aspira a la clorofila de las hojas dejando tras de sí una mancha color.
Aparte de los dañinos a las plantas, crea redes de plata en las partes posteriores de las hojas.
Papa tuberworm
También conocido como splitworms tabaco, ya que también causan daños a los tabacos.
Come y vive en la creación de entre las hojas manchas que dañan las plantas.
El gusano de alambre
Causas para colorear hojas desigual.
Las plantas afectadas parecen ser subdesarrollado.
Asegúrese de que su suelo está libre de gusano de alambre o de lo contrario le molesten más adelante.
cómo cultivar batatas
Come tubérculos de patata que crea profundo agujero grande y no tan.
Simplemente corte las áreas infectadas, pero usted todavía puede usar la parte no dañada del tubérculo.
Deshágase de los gusanos mediante el uso de trampas y la pulverización de insecticidas químicos.
Con un ojo observador, estas plagas vigilantes no pudieron llegar a sus plantas y su tarea de cultivo de patatas sería más ligero y libre de estrés.
El cultivo de patatas - Tomar nota de sus etapas de crecimiento
El desarrollo de la papa se divide en 5 niveles o etapas. Cada etapa corresponde a un cambio en particular que es visible.
I. Desarrollo de Sprout
Los tallos de la papa comienza a crecer fuera de los ojos de papa - pequeños puntos negros que se pueden ver en la piel de la papa.
Sprout sale del suelo.
II. El crecimiento de hojas, ramas, estolones y raíces
De mayo dura hasta 70 días.
Nodos sobre tierra - las hojas y ramas comienzan a crecer.
Nodos bajo el suelo-raíces y estolones se desarrollan.
La fotosíntesis comienza a ocurrir.
III. La formación de tubérculos
Los tubérculos comienzan a aparecer en las puntas de los estolones a pesar de que no crecen mucho todavía.
Por lo general, esta etapa de crecimiento coincide con la etapa de floración de papa.
La formación de los tubérculos puede durar unos 14 días.
IV. Expansión de las células del tubérculo
¿Cómo crecen las patatas
Esto ocurre desde los tubérculos absorben agua, carbohidratos y otros nutrientes.
Esta etapa dura hasta dos meses, el más largo de las cinco etapas de crecimiento de las patatas.
V. La maduración
Las vides comienzan a ponerse amarillas y algunas hojas se pierden.
Como ocurrencia de fotosíntesis reduce, vides finalmente mueren.
Algunas variedades de papa a dejar casi nada, pero los tallos y hojas en descomposición, que dicen que es el momento de cosechar los cultivos.
Entender lo que sucede con los cultivos en etapas de crecimiento que le dará mejores ideas de cómo cuidar de sus cultivo de patatas.
El cultivo de patatas - ¿Existe una necesidad de fertilizantes?
Absolutamente, sí. Los fertilizantes proporcionan los nutrientes necesarios para el crecimientos de tubérculos. Sin embargo, no debe aplicarse con cuidado porque cualquier exceso o escasez puede crear desequilibrios que pueden afectar a su desarrollo.
N-P-K Niveles
Estos son nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio, respectivamente. Dado que las patatas son verduras de raíz, que sería su ventaja si el fertilizante que se va a utilizar tiene un mayor contenido de fósforo y potasio. Así que si el fertilizante que usted compra tiene el número de código 30.10.30 que significa que tiene un 10% de Nitrógeno, Fósforo 30% y el 30% de potasio.
Análisis de suelo
cultivar papas dulces
Aunque sabemos que las papas se necesitan más fosfatos y potasio para promover el desarrollo de la raíz, usted puede hacer una pausa y su suelo se comprobará antes de la aplicación de nutrientes adicionales, como el zinc. En la prueba de suelo, se le tenga en cuenta si tiene minerales ricos o pobres, o el contenido de nutrientes antes de que se sobrecargue con los fertilizantes.
Cuando el suelo se ha probado y que tenga el fertilizante que necesita, es hora de fertilizar. El tiempo ideal de fertilización es de 14 días después de la siembra de papas. Después de eso, después de volver a aplicar cada 28 días. Dejar de hacerlo cuando se es de 14 días antes del período de cosecha.
Los fertilizantes son los 'buenos' cuando se trata de cultivo de patatas, por lo que debemos aplicar a la cantidad apropiada para animar a los mejores resultados que esperamos.
The thought of growing potatoes in tires is not at all obscure; as a matter of fact, it is something very clever in many ways. While there may some concerns of safety that may arise in using tires to grow potatoes, this issue can be discounted right away.
While it is true that old tires may have contents of certain heavy metals, it is less likely to have an effect on the potatoes because these elements are well contained by the rubber itself.
Tire gardening is something that is becoming a lot more popular especially among people who have a knack for growing their own food but do not have the vast space of land needed in conventional farming. The whole idea is to allow people to use vertical space instead of making the crops use up too much space of what is already a small garden probably. By growing potatoes in tires, potato lovers now have the chance of producing them effortlessly.
Growing Potatoes in Tires – Why is it Effective?
Grow Potatoes in Tires
Potatoes are probably one of the easiest crops to grow. For one, the crop is not demanding as far as the soil condition is concerned. All it takes for a potato grower is to make sure that the soil does not have high clay content, that it is relatively moist (not drenched nor dry) and that it is loose enough to give the potatoes to grow. It only becomes tricky when we see conventional potato farms; they are vastly wide. This is also crucial in growing potatoes since they need enough room to cultivate.
This dilemma however, is something that is solved in the process of growing potatoes in tires. Although this method limits the cultivation of the crop horizontally, it allows vertical growth that is otherwise a space not used in conventional potato farming. So, in a lot of ways, using tires to grow potatoes is creative and simply practical.
Its efficacy will be greatly appreciated by people who love to grow their own potatoes but are constrained by the lack of space that traditional farmers have.
Advantages of Growing Potatoes in Tires
In hindsight, the most obvious advantage a person gets from growing potatoes in tires is the opportunity to grow the potatoes while using a small amount of space. However, when you look at the bigger picture, we can actually get a lot more from it that what is already obvious.
We live in an era where the highest importance is given in exerting efforts to clean the environment; laborious initiatives are being conducted left and right and everyone is eager to take part and participate no matter how small the contribution is. If we use old tires (we all know that we have got a lot of it) in farming, we put these otherwise harmful trashes into a better use.
how to plant potatoes
We all know that burning them is an absolute no-no and recycling, although helpful, would need to keep up to make potential hazards from them at bay. Utilizing the tires for planting and growing food is a great way of helping the environment; by planting, a person makes the Earth greener and by using the tires, the individual is making sure that the material is not posing perilous threat to the environment.
The Method of Growing Potatoes in Tires – A Simple Procedure
Potatoes, because of its very unchallenging nature; is very easy to grow. And if you are someone who plans to grow your own batch of potatoes but you have very limited space, it is time to get hold of some old tires and get planting because there is really nothing to it. Here are the steps that will demonstrate how uncomplicated the method really is.
Location, Location, Location – the first thing you need to do is to pick the location where you’ll grow the potatoes. Make sure that the spot will have a lot of sunlight because potatoes require a lot of it.
Get Planting – once you have decided on the spot where you’ll plant the potato; lay a tire down and fill it up with loose soil. Use about three potato seeds only; using more than this number can crowd the soil which will be bad for the crop.
how to grow potatoes
Water Consistently – regularly water the plant; be mindful of this step since you do not want to drown the potato plant. It will need watering more during the early weeks but you can go easy on the moisture as the plant matures.
Maintenance – check on your plant from time to time. Once you see a growth of about eight inches; that tells you to add another tire, fill it up with some loose soil but leaving at least two inches of the plant. Just repeat the process until you see the plant flowering. The flowering is a pleasing signal that your potatoes are ready for harvesting.
If you want to have matured potatoes and expand your mini potato farm, wait for all the flowers to wither before getting the potatoes.
To start your potato garden, never use a potato that came from the supermarket. Instead, you can check out several garden stores for potato seeds or slips. Also, bear in mind that while the use of fertilizer is okay, stay away from the ones that contain high nitrogen level because that kind of concoction is catastrophic for your crop. In general however, you will sure find delight in seeing your plant grow without you having to get your hands dirt all the time.
¿Como cultivar Patatas?
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