

Agricultura ecolóxica. O Movemento "Slow food"

O Manifesto Slow Food

Executive Summary

The Central Role of Food
The congress paper is designed to promote a major world debate outside and inside the Slow Food and Terra Madre network ahead of the World Congress on October 27-29 2012. We hope it will enhance ideas and practices in the places where Slow Food is present.
1. About us
The Slow Food Manifesto, presented in 1989, has plotted the course of the association’s history to date and lays the bases for its future. It has lost none of its originality, which can be summed up in Slow Food’s guiding principle: our food must be “Good, Clean and Fair”. To achieve this goal we have to make food a central value in our lives again, and to do that we have to set out from a primary right for humanity: the right to food.
2. What we are talking about: the right to food
Actions aimed at consumers of food are actions aimed at the human race — they are political actions. We unequivocally insist on the right of every inhabitant of this planet to water, food and freedom from hunger. This means centering our policies round humanity, not round the market.
2.1 From food to soil fertility
The soil supports all life on this Earth and is alive itself. We recognize that the earth is a living organism and must be treated with the same compassion and respect as other organisms. We cannot continue to undermine the soil’s fertility, which we are duty-bound to ensure for future generations.
2.2 From food to the salubrity of water
Seventy percent of the earth is made up of water. All our actions have echoes in some place of water — in seas, rivers or lakes. We have to work to preserve the salubrity of water and the water itself, both for activities not strictly connected to the agricultural and food industry and for those connected to food production and consumption. To produce food, to farm or to fish in our seas sustainably is to defend
water and biodiversity.
2.3 From food to the salubrity of air
Our atmosphere is overheating and the air is becoming overpolluted. Food production, distribution and consumption play a significant role in this: through our food choices and good practices we can fight global warming and reduce toxic pollutants.
2.4 From food to the defense of biodiversity
We have reached a point of no-return in food biodiversity loss. Biodiversity represents a resource in terms of species, animal breeds and plant varieties. And it’s a resource that multiplies when all this nature becomes culture: that is, when it is turned into food thanks to the knowledge of men and women and their communities.
Biodiversity is the basis for our survival and we have to defend it in every way possible.
2.5 From food to the landscape
Since we feel duty-bound to protect our Earth, we want to take care of it. The landscape of the places we live in is the mirror of harmony between man and  nature, which has to be constantly tended, enlivened and renewed. The quality of the landscape tells us to what extent our food systems are “good, clean and fair”.
Defending the landscape and its beauty means defending sustainable systems.
2.6 From food to health
The rich world is suffering a health crisis of degenerative diseases and obesity at pandemic levels, while a billion people are suffering from hunger and diseases caused by malnutrition. Slow Food is seeking to redress this imbalance, because health is a common good of humanity that concerns not only present but also future generations.
2.7 From food to knowledge and memory
Tradition has much to teach us about how society can create sustainable food systems. Preserving the memory of traditional knowledge and communities and handing it down from generation to generation and from community to community are indispensable in forming new generations of producers capable of guaranteeing the right to food for all.
2.8 From food to pleasure, social relations, conviviality and sharing
Food is joy. Local Slow Food groups are called convivia because a convivium — getting together round the table — serves not only for the sharing of food but also for dialogue,reflection and the pleasure of sociality. We believe that practicing the pleasure of food in the convivium nourishes our bodies, our souls and our society as a whole, that it is a fundamental way of expressing our creativity for the well-being of all.
3. What we are doing
All the previous points belong to the sphere of human rights. To guarantee these rights, we intend to move in four main ambits in which we are in a position to take concrete action and which constitute our objectives for the years ahead.
3.1 A return to the land
A return to the land will re-establish of links between producers and those who depend on them for their food and sustenance. A return to the land can mean a real return to farming, in particular among the young generations. It can mean shedding the clothes of the “consumer” to don those of the “co-producer”, hence espousing the case of “good, clean and fair” producers and appreciating that “eating is an agricultural act”.
3.2 The war on waste
Respect for food and food production and the right to food cannot be pursued without a daily fight against all the many types of waste (resources, soil, landscapes, water, health, energy), that of edible food first and foremost. We can all do our bit: wasting food and the resources needed to produce it is a crass, senseless, costly act.
3.3 Local economy and participatory democracy
Local food production and consumption systems, which help preserve biodiversity, cultural diversities and small-scale economies, show participatory democracy in action. These systems are also demonstrably more efficient and productive than large-scale industrial systems. The local economy is a prerequisite for the right to food for all.
3.4 Permanent education
None of the goals outlined in this paper can be achieved without one key word: education.
We have to educate ourselves about the central role of food, about food itself, its complexity and its connections. At any age, we have to educate ourselves about the true value of food.

Slow Food
Piazza XX Settembre, 5 - 12042 Bra (Cn) - Italy
Tel +39 0172 41.96.11 – Fax +39 0172 41.97.55
E-mail international@slowfood.com - www.slowfood.com

Manifiesto SLOW FOOD 2012 (en)

Slow food. Movemento Internacional para a tutela e o dereito ó placer.

" Este noso século, que naceu e medrou baixo o siño da civilización industrial, inventou primeiro a máquina e logo transformouna no seu modelo de vida.
A velocidade encadenounos, todos somos presa do mesmo virus: A “fast live”, que conmociona nosos hábitos, invade nosos fogares e obriganos a nutrirnos co “fast food”.
Non embargantes, o homo sapiens debe recuperar a sua sabiduría e liberarse da velocidade que podeo reducir a unha especie en vías de extinción.
Polo tanto, contra a tolemia universal da “Fast Live”, compre defender o tranquilo placer material.
Contrariamente a aquiles, que son os mais, que confunden a eficiencia co frenesía, propoñemos como vacina unha adecuada porción de placeres sensuais asegurados, suministrados de tal xeito que proporcione un gozo lento e prolongado.
Comencemos dende a mesa co “Slow-Food”, contra o aplanamento producido polo “Fast Food”, e redescubramos a riqueza e os aromas da cociña local.
Si a “Fast-Life”, en nome da productividade, modificou nosa vida e ameaza ó ambente e a paisaxe, “Slow Food” é hoxe resposta de vangarda.
E está eiquí, no desenvolvemento do gusto e non no seu empobrecemento, a verdadeira cultura, e eiqui onde pode comenzar o progreso con un intercambio internacional na historia, nos coñecementos e proxectos.
“Slow-Food” asegura un porvir mellor.
“Slow-Food” é unha idea que necesita de moitos sostedores cualificacos, para que este xeito (lento) troque nun movemento internacional, do cal o caracol é seu símbolo."

Fundada por Carlo Petrini no 1986, Slow Food trocou en 1989 nunha asociación internacional. Actualmente conta con 100.000 inscritos, con sedes por orde de nacemento en Italia, Alemaña, Suiza, Estados Unidos, Franza, Xapón, e adheridos en 122 paises.
Slow Food supón dar a debida importancia ó placer vinculado ó alimento, aprendendo a disfrutar da diversidade das recetas e dos sabores, a recoñecer a variedade dos lugares de produción e dos artificios, a respetar o ritmo das estacións e do convite. O termo acuñado para esta actitude e o de “ecogastronomía”, que pretende aunar o respeto pola cultura gastronómica e o apoio a cantos no mundo ocupanse de defender a biodiversidade agroalimentaria.

Este movemento sostén a necesidade da educación do gusto como defensa contra a calidade mediocre e os fraudes e como vía maestra contra a “macdonalización” de nosas comidas; actúa en salvagarda da cociña local, das produccións tradicionais, das especies vexetais e animais en perigo de extinción; fomenta un novo modelo de agricultura, menos intensivo e mais limpo, baseado nos coñecementos e saber facer das comunidades locais, o único capaz de ofrecer perspectivas de desenvolvemento incluso nas rexións mais pobres do planeta.
Latexa en este movemento a salvagarda das materias primas e das técnicas de cultivo e de transformación herdadas polos usos locais consolidados no tempo; na defensa da biodiversidade das especies cultivadas e salvaxes. O mesmo tempo “Slow Food” defende a neceside de manter, na producción agrícola e zootécnica, un equilibrio de respeto e de intercambio co ecosistema circundante.


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